The RES Physical Education Curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to
lead physically active and physically fit lives. Physical Education makes an important contribution to the
education of the whole child. In addition to developing physical skills, group and individual activities in
the program provide opportunities to acquire and demonstrate social skills, cooperative skills, strong work
habits, respect for others and for you. Physical Education at RES is a sequential education program based
on physical activities experienced in an active and supportive environment where every student is
challenged and successful.
As you know physical education is an important component of your child’s development. Students will be
participating in physical education once per day (45 min). These classes will consist of physical activities
that address fitness, motor performance, and cognitive learning.
Physical education is a part of our standards-based report card. Students will be evaluated in three content
areas, which include participation in individual and group activities, motor skill development, and fitness.